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“The only recognizable feature of hope is action,”
Who We Are
WILPF-MN is the Minnesota Branch of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, a non-profit association with headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland).
It was founded in The Hague (the Netherlands) in 1915 and granted consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC)
in 1948.
WILPF brings together women of different cultures, backgrounds, political beliefs, and philosophies who are united in their determination to study and make known the root causes of violent conflicts, armed conflicts, and war, to prevent and help abolish their legitimation and practices.
WILPF sees as its ultimate goal the establishment of an international just economic and social order founded on the principles of meeting the rights and needs of all people and not profit and privilege for the few.
We take an integrated approach toward world peace..
We work:
to achieve total and universal disarmament;
to prevent and abolish violence and coercion in the settlement of conflict and their substitution in every case of negotiation and conciliation;
to reform the United Nations decision-making process and to strengthen the spirit
of its Charter;
to continually develop and implement international law;
to achieve women’s human rights;
to achieve gender equality and justice for all through political, social and
economic empowerment;
to support solidarity and cooperation among people to achieve peace;
to identify and address the intersectional nature of women’s struggle; and
to identify, encourage, develop, and support environmentally sustainable societies.
We believe these aims can be attained, and a real lasting peace and true freedom can exist only under just systems of social-economic and cultural inclusion. Accordingly, we make it our duty to further by non-violent means the social transformation that enables the inauguration of systems under which social, cultural and political equality and economic justice for all can be attained, without discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, physical and mental disabilities, political opinion or on any other grounds recognised under International Human Rights Law.

Minnesota Anti War Committee is located at:
Minneapolis, MN 55407
News & Updates
NO tax dollars for
war crimes!
United “to challenges the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality of religious nationalism.”
To get involved email minnesota@poorpeoplescampaign.org
To join the Minnesota PPC Food Security action group: