Our Organization Address

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

PO Box 17293 Minneapolis, MN 55417



National Section Office

WILPF United States Section  

Friends House PO BOX 13075  

Des Monies, Iowa 50310   

Tel: +1 617 266 0999


International Office

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Geneva Office)   

Rue de Varembe 1, Case Postale 28   

1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland 

Telephone: +41 (0) 22 919 70 80  

Fax: +41 (0) 22 919 70 81  


WILPF's Reaching Critical Will Program  

777 UN Plaza, 6th Floor  

New York, NY 10017  

Ph: + 1 212 682 1265 

Email: disarm@wilpf.org 


WILPF's Women, Peace and Security Program  

777 UN Plaza, 6th Floor  

New York, NY  10017  

Ph: + 1 212 682 1265


Links to related organizations

Jane Addams PeaceAssociation


WILPF Donations and Membership

Donations and Membership

Membership dues are $35 and are entirely forwarded to the
National US Office. (Click here to download PDF form)

Dues include branch, national and international membership.

Our branch depends upon member donations.

We do not keep the membership dues.

Please send donations for local WILPF to:

          WILPF MN Metro
          PO Box 17293
          Minneapolis, MN 55417

Donations made directly to WILPF are not tax-deductible

Tax deductible donations can be made to through the WILPF-US fiscal sponsor

Peace Development Fund (PDF). Please specifically indicate if you want the donation to go to WILPF MN Metro.

          Peace Development Fund
          P.O. Box 1280
          Amherst, MA  01004-1280

         Donation Link for the Peace Development Fund